How to Place a Rug in a Bedroom: Everything You Need to Know

Yale King Size Bed Frame

Are you looking to add warmth, comfort, and style to your bedroom? One of the simplest and most effective ways to achieve this is by placing a rug in your bedroom.

A well-chosen rug can tie the room together, create a cozy atmosphere, and even add a pop of color or texture to your bedroom decor.

However, it’s not just about picking any rug and throwing it on the floor. To make the most of your bedroom rug, you need to consider placement, size, and style.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the various ways to place a rug in a bedroom, helping you transform your sleeping space into a stylish and comfortable haven.

1. At the Foot of the Bed

Cicero King Size Bed Frame 

One of the most common and visually pleasing ways to place a rug in your bedroom is by positioning it at the foot of the bed. This arrangement adds a touch of elegance and instantly makes your bed the focal point of the room. Here’s how to do it:

Choose the Right Rug Size: The rug should extend a minimum of 2 feet beyond the foot of the bed. This ensures that when you step out of bed in the morning, your feet land on the soft, inviting rug rather than the cold floor.

Consider Rug Placement: Position the rug so that it’s centered under the bed, leaving an equal amount of rug exposed on each side. This creates a balanced and symmetrical look.

2. Underneath the Bed

Ashton Queen Size Bed Frame 

For a more understated and cozy feel, consider placing a rug completely under your bed. This option works well if you have a larger rug that you want to showcase, or if you prefer a streamlined and minimalist look. Here’s how to achieve this look:

Measure the Bed Dimensions: Measure the width and length of your bed, and then choose a rug that is large enough to fit entirely under the bed with a few inches to spare on each side.

Position the Rug: Center the rug under the bed so that it extends equally on all sides. This creates a sense of balance and harmony in the room.

3. At the Side of the Bed

Hesper Small Rug 

Placing a rug at the sides of the bed is an excellent option for those who want to add a touch of luxury and warmth to their bedroom without covering the entire floor.

It works particularly well in smaller bedrooms or when you have a specific design in mind. Here’s how to do it:

Select the Right Rug Size: Choose a rug that is slightly larger than the area you want to cover, allowing it to extend a few inches beyond the bed on each side.

Position the Rug: Place the rug parallel to the sides of the bed, ensuring that it’s centered and extends evenly on both sides. This creates a sense of balance and coziness around the bed.

4. Layering Under the Bed

Lanna Queen Size Bed Frame 

For a trendy and eclectic bedroom look, consider layering rugs underneath your bed. This approach allows you to mix and match rug styles, textures, and colors to create a unique and personalized design. Here’s how to master the art of rug layering:

Choose Your Rugs: Select two or more rugs that complement each other in terms of color, pattern, or texture. It’s a great opportunity to get creative and add depth to your bedroom decor.

Position the Rugs: Start by placing a larger, neutral rug directly under the bed. Then, layer a smaller, more decorative rug on top of the larger one. Make sure both rugs are centered under the bed for a cohesive look.

5. Accentuating Furniture Around the Bed

Miya Medium Rug 

Rugs in the bedroom don’t have to be limited to just under the bed. They can also be used to define specific areas within your bedroom, such as seating or dressing areas. Here’s how to accentuate your bedroom furniture with rugs:

Define the Space: Decide which area of your bedroom you want to accentuate. It could be a seating area with a chair and side table or a vanity and mirror.

Choose the Right Rug: Select a rug that fits the dimensions of the area you’re defining. It should be large enough to accommodate the furniture comfortably.

Position the Rug: Place the rug underneath the furniture arrangement to visually separate and define the space. This adds a touch of luxury and helps create a cohesive bedroom design.

6. Understanding the Shape of Your Rug

Virna Extra Large Rug 

When it comes to bedroom rugs, the shape you choose can have a significant impact on the overall look and feel of the room. Here are some common rug shapes and how to use them effectively:

Rectangular Rugs: Rectangular rugs are versatile and work well in most bedroom layouts. Follow the placement guidelines mentioned earlier, whether you choose to position the rug at the foot of the bed, underneath the bed, or at the sides of the bed.

Round Rugs: Round rugs can soften the sharp lines in a bedroom and create a more relaxed atmosphere. Place a round rug at the foot of the bed or underneath a chair or vanity to add a unique touch to your decor.

Runner Rugs: Runner rugs are long, narrow rugs that can be used along the sides of the bed or in hallways. If you have a narrow space on one side of the bed, consider using a runner rug to add interest and texture.

Square Rugs: Square rugs work well in bedrooms with square or symmetrical furniture arrangements. Position a square rug either entirely under the bed or at the foot of the bed for a balanced look.


1. What size rug should I choose for my bedroom?

The size of the rug depends on how you plan to place it. For a rug at the foot of the bed, it should extend at least 2 feet beyond the bed.

If you want a rug under the bed, choose one that is large enough to fit the entire bed with some extra space on each side. For rugs at the sides of the bed, go for ones that extend a few inches beyond the bed on both sides.

2. Can I layer rugs in my bedroom?

Absolutely! Layering rugs can add depth and personality to your bedroom decor. Start with a larger, neutral rug and then layer a smaller, more decorative rug on top for a stylish and eclectic look.

3. What shape of rug is best for my bedroom?

The choice of rug shape depends on your bedroom’s layout and your design preferences. Rectangular rugs are versatile and work well in most settings.

Round rugs soften sharp lines, while runner rugs are perfect for narrow spaces. Square rugs are ideal for symmetrical layouts.


Placing a bedroom rug is a simple yet effective way to elevate the overall look and feel of the space.

Whether you choose to position the rug at the foot of the bed, underneath it, at the sides, or even layer multiple rugs, the key is to consider your bedroom’s layout, size, and your personal style. 

By following the guidelines and ideas provided in this guide, you can transform your bedroom in Malaysia into a cozy and stylish retreat that you’ll love spending time in.

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